Learning to Draw People Challenge – Introduction

This article was written January 7, 2024 as part of the 2024 Learning to Draw People Challenge

With the speed reading challenge complete, it’s time to start a new one. My goal would be to spend 12 weeks learning to draw (roughly 3 months). If my count is correct, starting on January 08 would mean ending on March 31. However, do note that committing to 3 months at this point would be foolhardy, especially with no experience or clarity on the amount of effort involved. For this reason, I’m planning to have a one-week trial period, during which I plan to draw every day, and to write a daily blog post. After that, I’ll should be better positioned to evaluate whether this makes sense, or whether I should go back to the…drawing board (pun intended).

A few notes on the specifics. First, I’m planning to use a book to guide me, and to follow it like I would a course. As a bonus challenge, it’s a book I purchased in Taiwan, and is entirely in Chinese.

The book I’m planning to use for learning
But I’m willing to take this challenge, and I think it’ll be a useful way to also practice my Chinese. Also, the focus of this book is drawing people accurately.

As for the equipment I’m planning to use, I’ll go with my e-ink color tablet. It does mean that there are some limitations I’ll be facing, but it also means I should be able to do this from anywhere, without requiring supplemental material (I’m already bringing it everywhere with me). I’m also planning to use the built-in note-taking app. It’s definitely not the best software for drawing, but it’s well optimized for this tablet (including the limited palette choice).

Thanks for partaking in this adventure with me, and I hope you find the ride entertaining and insightful. Wish me luck!

You can find the first post here: Learning to Draw People Challenge – Day 01

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