Learning to Draw People Challenge – Day 07 (2024/01/14)

This was written February 09, 2024 as part of the 2024 Learning to Draw People Challenge


Ah, the final day of my week. Unfortunately this was a bad day for drawing. I was traveling and felt a little pressed on time, so I ended up handling this in a restaurant while waiting for them to take my order, and waiting for the food.

I ended up spending more time on the exercises than usual. I also realized that I should also practice other orientations, for example starting from the bottom instead of the top on certain strokes. This would allow me to train a wider variety of movements, and I figure there are likely scenarios where such strokes could be useful. I also tried drawing circles in both directions (clockwise and counter-clockwise). Here are the results, I definitely am not quite used to some of these movements yet:

Day 07 – Straight line exercises
Day 07 – Wavy line exercises vertical – 1
Day 07 – Wavy line exercises vertical – 2
Day 07 – Wavy line exercises vertical – 3
Day 07 – Wavy line exercises horizontal
Day 07 – Wavy line exercises diagonal
Day 07 – Circles exercises – 1
Day 07 – Circles exercises – 2


As for drawing, I opted to start trying to draw eyes, but ended up having to stop pretty quickly, so the result is fairly underwhelming. Overall, not a great day.

Day 07 – Eyes drawing

This is how my initial trial week ended, on a soul-crushingly disappointing note, followed by a long hiatus. However, now that my semester is almost over and I’m getting a little more control over things, I’m planning to get back into it, although tweaking some of the parameters of this challenge. Stay tuned for an update on this. Also, if you missed my initial evaluation of how this week went, you can find it here: Learning to Draw People Challenge – Week One Evaluation (Pause Announcement)

This post is followed by Learning to Draw People Challenge – Take Two

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